Terms and conditions

The company reserves the right to levy additional charges for any additional mileage or extra time other than that agreed. The charges will be pro rata and in accordance with original booking formulation. The vehicle will depart at times agreed by the hirer, and it is the responsibility of the hirer to account for all passengers at each departure time. The company will not accept liability for any losses incurred by passengers who fail to follow instructions given by the hirer.

Times to be confirmed after initial booking at least 4 days prior to services.

Booking deposit of 15% required prior to services. Services to be paid in full prior at departure.


Cancelation Policy

In the event of cancellation by the customer we reserve the right to hold onto all deposits.

In the event of cancellation by the company due to unforeseen circumstances such as breakdown, weather conditions and any other emergencies, all monies will be refunded without any further liability.


Vehicle to be provided

The company reserves the right to provide a different vehicle other than that specified at time of booking.


Breakdown and Delays

The company will contact the customers in case of any unforeseen delays and will endeavour to always meet service and times agreed. Journeys may take longer than predicted and in those circumstances the company will not be liable for any loss or inconvenience suffered by the hirer as a result.


Conduct of Passengers

Our drivers are always fully responsible for the safety of the vehicle and passengers, and as such may remove any passenger whose behaviour prohibits this safety. The hirer is responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle by the passenger for the duration of the hire and will be billed so accordingly. In the event of an unruly or unsafe passenger prior to departure, it is at the driver’s discretion as to whether they will continue with the service.


Refreshments and Alcohol Drinks

Food and drink is prohibited on all of our fleet vehicles, and any damage incurred or extra cleaning incurred due to the usage of refreshments will incur additional fees.


Covid- 19 Policy

All of our fleet has been equipped with up to date Covid 19 relevant hygiene protocols and all staff have undergone specific related training in accordance with updated advice from governing bodies.